What is it like to be a Woman working in sports?

My experience as a Woman in Sports

During my time at Drake, I was blessed with various opportunities in the athletic department especially Drake Women’s basketball. Throughout my time, I have learned so much and gained some insight into how to navigate sports as a woman. Now, nothing is perfect, and I don’t know everything, but working for the Drake I have learned a lot. I have been in different scenarios that bring out and grow different attributes that help elevate the work culture, game day experience, and allow for so much fun!

The Drake Women’s Basketball team won over Bradley on Thursday, February 8th, 2024, at the Knapp Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

Lesson 1-don’t be a know it all

When I first began my job, I loved sports and thought I knew so much about rules, games, how things run, what to do, and what not to do. But boy, was I wrong. I have never needed so much help and guidance to be a credible resource for spectators, staff, players, and others in the community. There is a learning curve as to how to change and adapt to the situations that are thrown at you on game day. Being creative and self sufficient will serve you well when trying to navigate a fast paced basketball game or last minute script change during a department event or recognition.

So seek information, learn, and ask questions (don’t be annoying), but don’t be a know-it-all. Be able to admit when you are wrong and areas where you need to grow. It’s okay. Learning and growing are all part of it.

Lesson 2-be present

Sports are fast and full of energy. On game day and in office work, it is essential to be in the moment and focus on the task at hand. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and go, go, go that you may often need to take a second to reground yourself in the moment.

Opportunities in sports are fantastic, and so many people would love to be where you are, so take a moment for gratitude and reflection to understand your unique position. Being present also sparks and fosters relationships with your coworkers for which you will always be grateful. Not only do they become friends but they become mentors, advisors, and recommendations. These relationships are some of what makes the sports community so special.

Lesson 3-be able to adapt

Like above, things are fast-paced, and people around you will appreciate the ability to change and adapt. My mom has always called it ‘pivot.’ This is handy when things need to be orchestrated correctly, but some details may change. This year, we had to adapt several of our promotional activities so that they fit our venue, attendance, and spectators. This allows for more personal encounters during game day, which fans appreciate.

Flexibility is an excellent attribute because it makes you a reliable team member. Anyone on staff will know they can come to you for a problem solver or resource, which builds trust and camaraderie in a team.

Summary from a woman in sports!

Things to remember when you are just starting:

  • Don’t be a know-it, especially when starting a sponge.
  • Be present; you will pick up on new things every game.
  • Be able to adapt and be flexible; every game is different, and you want to be able to perform and work under any circumstance.

If you have feedback or comments, feel free to leave them on the site or contact me!

I am grateful for the opportunity to work in sports, specifically for Drake and the Drake Women’s basketball team.

Thank you!


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