Office Skills I Have Learned from Drake Athletics

A Game-Day

Drake Athletics’ has a marketing internship for students that I have been granted the opportunity to pursue. The internship consists of game-day operations as well as office work and more administrative and creative things. During office hours, we are expected to get game materials ready. We find different coupons from sponsors that we will hand out, we collect the materials we are required to set out on the marketing table, and we go over the script for the night to know what promotions and recognitions we will have. It requires a lot of preparation and organization, so the games go smoothly, and we can work together to provide a great experience. Once the game begins, we are on the go, finding contestants, communicating with the spirit squads, and delegating all the tasks on the script. Each time out has a different sequence of events that we can follow so that there are different entertainment areas.

A Day in the Office

Outside of game days, we do work in the office. We are often found editing graphics or adjusting templates to duplicate and have consistency. After every season of a different sport, we take fans and participation totals to analyze the performance of various marketing plans for each game. For instance, we look at our promotional activities for the women’s sports team, then analyze the attendance and number of shirts ordered to see areas of improvement. The department can then find what works and what doesn’t from game to game and sport to sport. For office hours, we do more preparation, such as rolling t-shirts for tosses, blowing up balloons for the student section, organize the materials for contests so it’s easier to find on gameday. In the office, the interns draft emails and posts for the department to send to students and the community. We contribute to the awareness of events and special promotions to entice people in the community to come and experience the Knapp Center.

This internship has been great to learn how marketing for a D1 athletic department works and changes. During the internship, you learn to adapt and be flexible. The office is very collaborative, and feedback is encouraged and respected. The interns can experiment with the skills learned in class and apply them to an actual organization, then receive feedback to improve their skills.

A few software or apps we use in the office:

Here are a few examples of our work during office hours.

See more of what I do and what interests me on other pages of this website:


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